
We are here to make your web experience easier. Our toolbar is designed to let you access your favorite content quickly.
OFFERSBAR does not serve pop-up ads so you can enjoy uninterrupted browsing.
OFFERSBAR may track Search Terms you enter to suggest related web sites but will only keep the records
for a maximum of 2 hours before the log files are rotated and previous results are deleted.
This is done to help us supply you with the information that is suited to you.
Ads served by OFFERSBAR will always show the OFFERSBAR brand and the question marks on the ads will be clickable.
You don’t have to worry about OFFERSBAR software being a Spyware or Malware and it will not hurt any PC.
We care about your privacy and because of that, OFFERSBAR software does not collect any Personally Identifiable Information (PII).
OFFERSBAR download has no silent or forced installs so you get only what you have asked for.
And just to set your mind at ease, OFFERSBAR has a Settings Menu where users can disable any feature or disable the whole product from the Browser extensions menus in Firefox and Chrome and from a clickable button on the Internet Explorer browser.
The product can be removed completely from Add/Remove programs in Internet Explorer.
We hope you will enjoy our product and have a positive experience.